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An important tip to remember every now and then is that people visit the site checking out for some information. These Surfers can be an unforgiving lot. Once they found things useful for them in a site they would definitely visit every now and then.

The reason why site maps are indispensable is due to its helpfulness in letting the surfers understand the site program and plan and therefore, speed up the way to onset to what the site will be showcasing. This is a part of the website created where the edifice of a web site can be visible to a surfer or visitor. These visitors can choose the link to where they want to surf with just a touch of the mouse of keyboard.

Here are Significant key pointers of a good site map, which helps visitors at finding information faster on a web site:

· The site map should be the simplest page on the web site.
· Keep the name "Site Map" so those visitors won't be having a hard time looking for it.
· Always avoid "dynamic" site maps. Those in which the visitors have to find their way easily to get hold of information.
· If the site map is list of text links, use the TITLE attribute of the anchor tag and include keywords inside it.
· Putting a sentence describing the page contents below the link for that page on a site map is always good.
· It should not be the primary navigation on the web site it should complement it.
· It is very important that there is a link to the site map page and all pages should carry this link. The site map link can be combined with other links in the main menu on the web site or placed at a section on the web page from which is it clearly seen.
· Other important factors on a web site should complement site maps. For example, the link color for visited links should be different from that of not yet visited links so that visitors have a clear idea which pages they have already seen and thus, save time.

In addition to the advantages a site map showcase to "living" surfers, it is also significant for robot surfers from search engines . As a web developer should be aiming to get all visible pages on the web site found in the search engine database. As expected a site map, from one page to another, should carry links to all, it is an ideal form to submit to search engines . Submission of the site map to a search engine might help in getting all web pages indexed quickly by the search engine. I may be incorrect since I have no data to support this point but it just seems logical. However, on a similar note, there is still a limit to all the information that a search engine could provide a visitor. For example, if there’s a page which is not found in the directory program of the web site, it will not be detected other search engines. With this in mind, another importance of a site map it tells the search engine instantly to go to a specifc page rather than scouting through the links.

Two important questions:
1. Will the website appear as it was planned even for robots?
2. Are the pages exact and effectively designed?
Having a site map assists the creator in planning the site before he can even start creating it. Once the pages have been decided, the whole thing becomes simpler and the web pages designs are easily matched to the creator’s ideas.

There are 5 important tips in making a good site map:

Good Site Must-Have 1
The logo should be linked to the website homepage.

Good Site Must-Have 2
The Site map must be place either on top or on the upper left, under the header. Unless everything’s in order already and sure about the design, never try to alter or make changes for a while.

Good Site Must-Have 3
There must be a congenial way to go around searching the web site. Do not place the site map in a location that is different from one page to another, like if it is placed horizontally on one page, it should be placed horizontally on the rest of the other pages. However, the case is different if it is a navigation system for a homepage. This could differ in homepages.

Good Site Must-Have 4
Additionally, the logo of the homepage should be linked with a “HOME” or any equivalent sign for easy work around or navigation. There should also be a “contact us,” “about our site,” pages to be visited.

Good Site Must-Have 5
The golden rule for a good site map is that the number of a visitor’s clicks should be leading him every step of the way and not jumping to other pages. It is required that the move should be as easy, reliable and above all, very user-friendly.

There are enduring truths about ourselves that we sometimes forget. Here is reminder of some of them, and what they might mean to you.

enduring truths, truths, change

Article Body:
There are enduring truths about ourselves that we sometimes don't see or remember. What are they? They are truths that were recognized thousands of years ago, and have stood the test of time. Here are a four of them, and some ideas about how to use this knowledge.

Enduring Truths About Self Interest

We are self interested. When we sacrifice for others, even this is motivated by our own desires. Those desires include good feelings and wanting to see or make the world the way we want it to be. Forget this, and we become bitter trying to "do the right thing." In order to avoid this bitterness that comes with "duty", we need to see how being a good person and doing the right thing is just self interest.

We can also point out the self-interest of others when we want to correct their behavior. Tell a man he's wrong, and it isn't usually enough to change his behavior. It's better to show him his true interest - that behaving in a better way is better for HIM. Don't forget the normal and healthy self-interest in dealing with others AND with yourself.

Enduring Truths About Mistakes

Salvador Dali said, "Have no fear of perfection. You'll never reach it." Maybe you see this as negativity, but recognizing the truth is never a negative act. We all make mistakes. The greatest man or woman alive - whoever he or she is - has done some stupid things.

This isn't an attack on human greatness, but a recognition that it isn't dependent on doing things perfectly. Perfectionists certainly suffer for their demands upon themselves, while others hesitate to act for fear of mistakes. Accept that making mistakes is normal, and don't dwell on the the possibility or the reality of those mistakes. As Lao Tzu says, "Do your work, then step back - The only path to serenity."

Enduring Truths About Learning

Our mistakes give us a chance to learn, and so avoid even bigger mistakes. Of course, we also can learn from our successes, and from the successes of others. Why not view mistakes and successes - both our own and others - as the great opportunities they are. Just seize that chance to learn more and so live better.

Enduring Truths About Change

Probably you have seen people that appear to learn nothing from their mistakes, right? Haven't you also known and read about those who turned their lives around? A less important truth is that people often don't change. The far more important truth to remember, and the most important of these enduring truths, is that we CAN change.

"Prince Caspian" is a sequel to "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe". The four children return to the land of Narnia and once again have to battle against forces of evil.

Narnia, C. S. Lewis, children's literature

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If you recently watched the very popular Disney movie "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe", you might be aware that C. S. Lewis wrote a total of seven books about Narnia. These are, in order of the internal chronology of events:

1 - The Magician's Nephew
2 - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
3- The Horse and His Boy
4 - Prince Caspian
5 - The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
6 - The Silver Chair
7 - The Last Battle

The novel "Prince Caspian" begins one year after the events told in "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" on a railroad platform where Peter, Edmund, Susan and Lucy are waiting for trains that will take them to their boarding schools. Suddenly they feel themselves transported into another world, and after a few hours of wandering about they realize that it is Narnia, where many centuries have passed in the meantime.

The second plot line involves young Prince Caspian, heir to the throne of Narnia, who has to flee from his usurping uncle Miraz. Deep in a forest he discovers some of the "Old Narnians" - talking beasts and dwarfs - and later decides to challenge his uncle for the kingship.

Soon, though, the military situation deteriorates for Caspian and his small army, and they end up besieged on Aslan's How, a hill built over the site of the stone table that played a crucial role in "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe". When things look utterly bleak, Caspian uses his most precious object, Queen Susan's Horn, to summon help.

This review does not try to give away too much more of the plot and spoil the reader's enjoyment, so let me just say that the two plot lines intertwine, there are thrilling battle scenes (including a duel) and a wonderful celebration at the end.

Lewis does a good job of showing the gradual re-transformation of the four children, who once again turn from being English schoolchildren to becoming Kings and Queens of Narnia.

To me, "Prince Caspian" is one of the three best books in the Narnia series, together with "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" and "The Magician's Nephew". In many ways, it repeats themes from "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe", but adds an interesting perspective by having the events of the earlier book become the stuff of legend.

Early in my career, I was told, “Most people have a business plan, but the problem is they don’t work their plan.” The same may be said of New Year resolutions. How many promises did you make to yourself and on how many of them will you follow through?

Follow these steps on how to prioritize your goals, break them down into achievable steps. Learn how these steps become your one-a-day business vitamin for greater success.

sales skill training, sales, sales tips, sales training, build business, business growth, grow business, sell more, relationship selling, entrepreneur, network marketer, sales team

Article Body:
“Now, Work Your Plan”
Early in my career, I was told, “Most people have a business plan, but the problem is they don’t work their plan.” The same may be said of New Year resolutions. How many promises did you make to yourself and on how many of them will you follow through?

One major problem is sometimes too many goals are set. Another issue may be the one goal is so dramatic it would consume all of your time to achieve. In fact, it may be so huge, it becomes overwhelming. At this stage, not only will you not work on this idea, but the state of overwhelm will prevent you from achieving your other simpler goals.
For example, if you wanted to get known nationwide this year, you would have to undertake major public relations strides to accomplish this. It would entail speaking everywhere you could, demonstrating your expertise, contacting as much of the media as possible and the continuation of being seen and heard in every manner known to mankind.
At the same time, you still have all of the other avenues of your business to contend with as the CEO of your own company. How do you combat this dilemma?
In my mind, I equated a large year-long project with a one-a-day vitamin. My suggestion is to break down the public relations strategies into do-able tasks. First, outline absolutely everything you can think of that will need to be tried and completed for you to feel 100% successful. Then prioritize the steps in order of what will take the longest to complete.
Begin with the most difficult and time-consuming tasks first. The reasoning here is two-fold. First, you have the most excitement the beginning of the year, as in, “I’m really going to do it this time!” So it will be easier to tackle the difficult assignment now. Second, if you begin a long project at the end of the year, you may not complete it on time and you will feel you have let yourself down.
Now that you know which task to begin, complete at minimum, one step of it each day dependent upon how much time you can devote to the project. This is where I liken the process to the one-a-day vitamin.
One task a day devoted to your highest priority will give you renewed energy to keep on going! You will feel excitement coming your way and the adrenalin will be flowing. Your project will become easier and more joyful each day as you complete a task.
As you become accustomed to the daily routine of working on your big project, it will be easier to squeeze in a couple of the smaller tasks too. Within several months, you begin to feel as if you are making strides in getting known and the other areas of your business are growing too. In fact, as all areas of your business build together, new business will come your way with far less effort.
When you work strategically, the worry diminishes and the smiles return to your face. At the same time, be certain to help those who need your area of expertise or who want to follow in your footsteps. Your new demeanor will attract new clients as you are happy, confident and apparently successful. You will also build repeat business, referrals and testimonials – all essential ingredients for success.
Every few months you will be able to see and measure you progress. Mid-year, you should be feeling fairly popular. By the end of the year, you will have succeeded and be known nationwide!
Additional ideas to build business:
- The end of each week review each day’s accomplishment
- On Friday devise a plan for the daily tasks for the following week
- As the difficult tasks complete, incorporate the simpler ones
- Increase your dosage of vitamins or daily tasks as the routine simplifies
- Share your good news of accomplishments
- Vow to keep taking your business vitamins year after year
The end result of paying excellent attention to your plan is it will succeed, and Your Profits Will Soar!

With unique and diverse style German theater arts are comprises of a different blend of drama and music. At first Germany lacked behind while England and Spain were evolving in their own theater styles. The Germans were always involved in war and religious riots which distracted their attention from the field of arts. There was also a lack of proper capital which could become the epicenter of such progress. The old stories had a very medieval look and weren’t polished enough. But once the interest was developed it became more of a cultural interest which later resulted in an academic interest with various universities providing courses in the various field of arts. The theater was one place in Germany where people were free to express and exchange their ideologies.

In 1767 the first German national theater was established and in the year 1890 Deutsches Buhner-Jahrbuch made its first appearance. Presently, the “Three Category House” is the theater structure responsible to encourage performing arts like opera, music, drama and dance. Every season, five thousand and three hundred productions are performed by this board and on a yearly basis, a total of hundred and twenty thousand. New productions are being created as well as age old musical dramas of Shakespeare like “Romeo and Juliet”,” Midsummer Night’s Dream” is also enacted. The storyline of most of the performances are socio-economic, political and reflects the ups and downs of the society. Directors like Max Reinhard, Erwin Piscator and Berthold Brecht have evolved on these subjects and have created a theoretical analysis called “epic theater”.

The seventeenth and the eighteen centuries were the struggling period of German opera. Opera took its full form later on with composers such as Handel and Gluck. Ferruccio Busoni was a renowned composer although originally he was an Italian. In 1678 the Theater an Gansemarkt was brought up in Hamburg specially meant for opera performances. It was inaugurated with the performance of Johann Theile’s Der erschaffene, Gefallene und Aufgerichtete Mensch which had the storyline of Adam and Eve. It was then followed by operas with religious themes. This was encouraged by the Pietist church to maintain the reputation of the theater as moral regulator. Later it was taken over by composer Reinhard Keiser who composed nearly hundred operas over broader themes which included history and mythology. He brought along many other traditions into the original opera which was the beginning of many more changes.

The country’s fifteen states are controlled by one organization Lander with respect to theater arts by supporting them financially and politically. Every year they spend US $2 billion on opera houses, theaters and orchestra. Every year festivals too are being held to celebrate the spirit of arts. Altogether sixty festivals are the venue for rewarding renowned actors, actresses, writers, plays and encouraging new talent.

But the modern theater of Germany began experimenting with the traditional performances. As times changed so did the society. The writers of today are forcing the audience to come out of the old set mode of linear flow, replacing it with patchworks. The use of contrastive language, impersonalized figuration and destructive illustration has made the audience and critics question about the legitimacy of the post-modern theater and rather refer to the present situation as an artistic crisis. Few directors like Frank Castorf, Thomas Ostermeier, and Falk Richter can be relied upon for good work.

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